Postpartum Depression
"After the baby was born, everyone around me was very excited, but I didn't feel any happiness at all...Sometimes I even wonder if it's wrong to bring the baby to this world..."
What is postpartum depression?
After delivering baby, more than half of the mothers will experience some degree of mood fluctuation, including feeling upset or having increase anxiety level. These mood swings are thought to be a result of the changes in level of female hormone after the delivery. They usually last for a few days and then disappear gradually. If the mood swing persists after that period and shows sign of deterioration, or if the symptoms severely affects the mother's ability to take care of the baby, then there is chance that the mother is suffering from postpartum depression.
What are the common symptoms of postpartum depression?
Repeated crying episodes
Feeling low
Having increase irritability
Lack of energy to handle daily activities
Blaming self repeatedly for being an incompetent mother
Avoiding social contacts
Excessive worries about the baby's health condition
Not caring about the baby
Having idea of harming onself or the baby
What are the causes of postpartum depression?
The cause of postpartum depression was not fully understood. Yet, studies in general, favors the idea that the disease is related to the rapid change in female hormones after childbirth. There are some other factors that can increase the risk of having postpartum depression:
Have had depression in the past, or have a history of postpartum depression
The baby is born prematurely
The baby has some congenital illness
Lack of support from spouse
External stresses, such as housing difficulty, financial problems etc.
What is the treatment for postpartum depression?
Psychotherapy, such as cognitive behavioral therapy, can help patients monitor their own symptoms, reduce negative thoughts and maladaptive behavior patterns. If the condition is more serious, medication can also be considered. Some newer generation antidepressants are safer to use in the postpartum period and has a low penetration into breast milk, so patients do not need to stop breastfeeding. During the treatment, support and care from the spouse are very important elements for successful recovery.
Are there any tips for mother with new-born?
Don't think of yourself as a super mom that can handle every single aspects of the newborn. The task of getting pregnant and caring for a newborn can be very difficult. You should try to find someone to share your work and responsibilities to avoid too much stress.
Share with peers and spouse regarding your feelings, be it happy or not.
Pay special attention to your mood changes during pregnancy or after delivery.
After the baby is born, remember to get enough rest!
If necessary, seek help from professionals such as a psychiatrists or your obstetrician.